More tigers, more chimps …

It’s been a very busy last few weeks. We had a very good month in India working on our tiger film – as usual it was often challenging; always seeing so much more than we ever manage to film. But we had some lovely moments and it continues to be an absolute delight to have the privilege of spending time with such fantastic cats in such a beautiful place.



I then had a couple of weeks at home before heading to Ireland to work with two of my favourite people, Ken O’Sullivan and Katrina Costello, on their two, very different, projects; a series on deep ocean wildlife and a feature documentary about the passing away of the traditional farming lifestyle in rural Ireland.

I’ve then had a week at home to get ready for my next trip to Senegal to continue to work on the BBC1 film about chimpanzees – to be broadcast in 2018.

It’ll be hot now – 40C+ in the shade – and the hellacious grass that we had to battle through on the last trip should have gone. It’s always fascinating to re-visit a group of animals that you have got to know by name; I’m really looking forward to the shoot, and hoping that they play nicely with us!

Two projects that I was involved with have recently been nominated for cinematography awards; Wild Alaska for the Royal Television Society award and Japan: Earth’s Enchanted Islands for the Guild of Television Cameramen Award for Excellence. Both films were very much team efforts and the nominations are a testament to the hard work and talents of everyone involved in their production.

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